Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ian Andrew Reynolds, June 13th, 2007

Ian was born at 11:31am yesterday and both mom and baby are now doing great. There was quite a bit of initial anxiety for me--Melissa's blood pressure dropped dangerously low during the C-section, and Ian had some respiratory problems at first--but today was a good day and the doctor said that both can probably come home tomorrow. Ian weighed 8 lbs and 7 oz and measured 21 inches long.

Ian has my chin and mouth, but he definitely appears to favor Melissa's overall facial structure and features, particularly her nose. He has a full head of straight, fine brown hair and a cleft chin, and what appear to be a set of brown eyes. His breathing issues are apparently quite common for section babies who don't benefit from the passage through the birth canal squeezing those fluids out of their bodies; the poor guy literally sounded like he was breathing underwater until the hospital staff suctioned him.

Megan gave her little brother a stuffed panda bear we bought at the hospital's gift shop. She seems excited about Ian, with the one criticism that he cries instead of talking. She seems to have enjoyed her time with my mom, though she was obviously glad to be home and to play with Kadie, her little friend from down the street. I brought Megan home tonight and got her a bath and to bed earlier without too much difficulty. She asked for her mommie a few times, most likely because of the change to her usual routine, but she's upstairs asleep in her bed now.

And dad is exhausted and off for bed in a few minutes.


Geo Rule said...

Woot, woot! Right on, JR.

Reverend said...

Congratulations John. Did you guys know it'd be Ian and not a Mary?

epicstruggle said...

Congrats. hope the mother and new baby are doing good. :) Congrats again.

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Keep up the Good Work John! ;)
