Monday, August 27, 2007

The Unbearable Lightness of Windows Vista

I finished a performance comparison piece last weekend, examining the differences between Microsoft's old and new OSes with the list of applications I use for testing at SimHQ. The article should be published here fairly soon (hopefully) and isn't exactly a glowing endorsement of Vista from a gaming perspective. I'm writing this entry from XP, if that doesn't indicate my attitude on the subject.

My mom was watching the kids today while Melissa and I both worked but called me to come home since Jerry was being taken to the hospital by Chris due to severe chest pains. He's been admitted but we haven't anything additional in the last few hours. Fingers crossed it's nothing too serious. Jerry's been great to my mom over the last twenty years and while he's fast approaching 80 I hope the guy has another 10+ years of good health left in him.

I picked up a copy of the collector's edition of BioShock last week, with its Big Daddy figurine sitting between my keyboard and 30" LCD; Megan has been eyeballing it with a gleam that says ownership will be switched over here in the near future. I decided to start over in the game running it under XP since that's currently the only way to get anti-aliasing to work.

I plan on taking this Friday off from work so that Melissa and I can take Megan to the Columbus zoo. Mom's supposed to watch Ian for us, but with Jerry's health in question right now that might not pan out.

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